week, Randy Hamud, the attorney, author and civil rights activist who represented several of the friends of the three 9/11 hijackers who lived in San Diego, wrote an op-ed piece for the U-T San Diego newspaper in which he addressed whether the now-infamous 14-minute video ridiculing
the Muslim Prophet Muhammad was an exercise of free speech, or an incitement to
violence that should not be granted First Amendment protection.
Hamud, who in 2005 wrote Osama bin Laden: America's Enemy in his Own Words, in which he showed just why bin Laden was the most serious threat in the contemporary world, believes the video, which most reasonable people agree is offensive, should not be protected under the First
“Free speech is no pass to perpetrate hate crimes which interfere with another person’s exercise of his or her constitutional rights, including the practice of one’s religion," he wrote. "And in most countries of the world, including Western Europe, the law prohibits the denigration of one’s ethnicity or religion.”
I respectfully disagree with Hamud. I believe that in a free society we must retain the right to satirize and criticize all belief systems, even if these criticisms are deeply offensive to some. But this isn't the first time I've disagreed with Hamud, a Muslim-American who has a deep love for this country and with whom I have developed a genuine friendship since I began covering the 9/11 terrorist attack for Newsweek a decade ago.
“Free speech is no pass to perpetrate hate crimes which interfere with another person’s exercise of his or her constitutional rights, including the practice of one’s religion," he wrote. "And in most countries of the world, including Western Europe, the law prohibits the denigration of one’s ethnicity or religion.”
I respectfully disagree with Hamud. I believe that in a free society we must retain the right to satirize and criticize all belief systems, even if these criticisms are deeply offensive to some. But this isn't the first time I've disagreed with Hamud, a Muslim-American who has a deep love for this country and with whom I have developed a genuine friendship since I began covering the 9/11 terrorist attack for Newsweek a decade ago.
In a Newsweek article I was writing about 9/11 suspect Zacarias Moussaoui, I
interviewed Hamud, who was the American attorney for
Moussaoui’s family. In the piece, and in other articles I had written about Hamud, I referred to him as a “controversial"
Muslim attorney.
He took issue with my description of him as “controversial.” This sparked a lengthy, impassioned but civil email conversation, the likes of which I suspect too few American non-Muslims are having with American Muslims.
I’ve never made this conversation public, but with Hamud's consent, I've decided to publish it now because it seems more timely than ever given what is happening around the world. I should note that Hamud and I were both right, and wrong, on several issues raised in this post-9/11 discussion (and Moussaoui wasn't given the death penalty after all).
He took issue with my description of him as “controversial.” This sparked a lengthy, impassioned but civil email conversation, the likes of which I suspect too few American non-Muslims are having with American Muslims.
I’ve never made this conversation public, but with Hamud's consent, I've decided to publish it now because it seems more timely than ever given what is happening around the world. I should note that Hamud and I were both right, and wrong, on several issues raised in this post-9/11 discussion (and Moussaoui wasn't given the death penalty after all).
an excerpt from our lively debate:
RANDY HAMUD: Jamie, I think you may perceive me to be more
"controversial" than I am imagined elsewhere. Don’t you think that
President Bush's revelation regarding the Los Angeles terrorism
"plot" takes a lot of wind from the sails of the Moussaoui prosecution,
since the President himself admitted that at worst, Moussaoui was being held
back for a second-wave attack the planning of which never got off the ground?
JAMIE RENO: Randy, as always, you state your case
eloquently. But it’s kind of hard to overstate your
"controversialness," isn't it? You yourself
admit to being the target of numerous death threats, and you've represented
numerous friends of the 9/11 hijackers as well as the mother of another who has
pledged his loyalties to Al Qaeda. That is reality, not my
"perception." As for the Moussaoui prosecution, you make a valid
point. On the other hand, there are some who say that someone who was involved
in any way in a terrorist attack against this country and who has admitted to
being a member of Al Qaeda, even if the specific planning of said attack never
got off the ground, should be jailed for life at the very least.
HAMUD: Frankly, Moussaoui has
talked himself into a pretty long prison term, but the issue is the death
chamber, isn't it? It's just too much of a conspiracy stretch to hang him for
9/11; pretty soon, they'll even have Kevin (six degrees of separation) Bacon in the doc.
RENO: Well, as I said, there
are a good number of folks who believe that any person who's admitted to what Moussaoui has admitted to deserves the death penalty. I know you're not one of
HAMUD: What's he admitted to?
Membership in Al Qaeda? After all, many of the members were trained by the CIA
and fought the Russians back in '88 and '89. What I am worrying about is whether free speech and free association
have come to an end here. Why should it be illegal for anyone, Imam or
otherwise, to advocate fighting the Russians in Chechnya or the Hindus in
Kashmir or on behalf of even the Maoists in Nepal? Is advocacy now a crime,
much like supporting communism in the 1950s? What about the new British law about "glorifying"
terrorism? What the Hell does that mean? After all, based on the videotapes from Basra
a couple days ago, the Brits are the terrorists; just ask the locals. The
world is askew, and the Constitution if crumbling, I fear.
RENO: No, it is aiding and
abetting terrorism against America of which I'm speaking, not support of freedom
fighting against Russians in Chechnya or Hindus in Kashmir. No way are you
going to convince me that that Moussaoui's avowed hatred for America and his
advocacy for terrorism against this country is his Constitutoinal right, or
that being against him and not letting him spew this venom or plan his future
attack is some sort of new Mccarthyism. So your'e essentially saying that free
speech is a vital issue with a man who admits he wants to attack America as a
terrorist, but not for a cartoonist, for example, who simply draws a satiric
cartoon about a specific religion? You lose credibility when you bring up the
freedom of speech argument and suggest that a person in a free society
can’t draw a satiric cartoon about a religious figure. Freedom of speech,
including cartoons that you and many other Muslims may deem very offensive, is
and always should be protected under our Constitution, but being actively
involved in an organization that is hell-bent on attacking and destroying
America should not.
HAMUD: Tsk! Tsk! Go see "Good Luck & Good Night." You're forgetting your history. It used to be
against the law to advocate the overthrow of the U.S. government by force or
violence even when there was no imminent danger of doing so. The USSC corrected
that "oversight." Now, we are
back to that crap. Are you trying to say
that nobody has a right to express sympathy for Al Qaeda – and I'm not doing
that, not by a long shot - or anti-US policies without deserving criminal
punishment? You are getting a bit ahead of yourself and the Constitution, Jamie. And as far as the supposed "freedom of
speech" arguments pertaining to the cartoons, the arguments ring rather hollow
when a man can go to jail in Europe for Holocaust denial but not for blashpheming
the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and thereby unleashing violence and the denigration
of the world's fastest growing religion. The hypocrisy in Europe is not lost in
the Islamic world in this Information Age.
RENO: With respect, Randy,
there is implicit sympathy for Al Qaeda in virtually everything you say and do.
And again with respect, Muhammad is your Prophet, not mine, and not everyone's.
Fastest-growing religion or not, in a free society, you have no right to impose
your religion or its tenets and beliefs on me and I have every right to
criticize yours. It is a belief system, and in a free society a belief system
is not a law. Also, as I've said, a satirical cartoon is quite different than
an open call for terrorist acts against America. That is certainly not and should
not be protected by the Constitution. Show me where it says that in the Bill or
Rights or anywhere else. Trust me on this one, the founding fathers would hang
Moussaoui from the highest tree, and you can put your John Hancock on that one.
HAMUD: It seems you have lost
your objectivity and credibility as a journalist. I have never supported Al
Qaeda and have even written a book advocating the dispatching of Bin
Laden. And the Prophet (PBUH) you have
denigrated by referring to him as "not mine." Islam is eclectic; it includes your Prophets
as well, and Jesus (PBUH) is second only to God. What you fail to see is that
bin Laden's positions mirror the opinions across the Islamic world re:
Israel-Palestine, Western support for autocratic Middle East regimes,
exploitation of the oil resources (the real reason why we are in Iraq; and no
shrines were bombed on Saddam Hussein's watch; how could we allow that on our
watch?!), etc., etc. Read your history; the Brits wanted to hang Tom Paine for
his words well before they translated into deeds. And communism was akin to
terrorism in the 1950s and anybody who was an avowed communist was committing a
crime even by espousing the doctrine. And take a close look at Moussaoui; he is not being charged with
advocating support for Al Qaeda, per se', as a crime, but rather with receiving
money from it and giving it material support. And the case law has
yet to be written on the constitutionality of statutes prohibiting "material
support" and "expert advice," and the 9th Circuit has recently
struck them down as they related to the Humanitarian Law Project which was
trying to lend assistance to the peaceful arm of the Tamili rebels. Be objective, Jamie
RENO: I am objective. But I
am also an American. You are the one who is evidently unable to be objective
because of your religious beliefs. I believe in a creator but I am not Christian.
Nor am I a Jew. So stop making assumptions about "my Prophet" and
misstating the facts. I am actually one of the few truly objective people I
know because I am not bound by any specific religion. I have
issues with all three of the major religions, practitioners of which are
capable at any moment of self-righteousness and intolerance. Religion has many
beautiful attributes, but it will be the world's downfall, that much is
certain. With respect, my friend, you are indeed thrusting your belief system
onto me, and this mentality is why there is violence and hatred in the world. I
like and respect you, but it's a frail argument to compare the communists of
the 50s to Al Qaeda terrorists now. It's a different world and the motivations
of the two are worlds apart. Protests and anti-government commentary is of
course protected in a free society, as it always should be, but being an avowed
member of an organization that wants to kill innocent American women and
children is another matter. I never heard this type of rhetoric from even the
most strident American communists in the 50s. And as far as I know, while they
were disenchanted with our government, which was their right, they had no plans
to fly airplanes into our buildings. It's ironic, this conversation, because I don't know of one
country in the Islamic world where true freedoms to criticize the government
really exist. And the Muslims who are raging about these cartoons publicly
denigrate Judaism and Christianity regularly, but I guess it's OK for them to
denigrate other religions, just not vice versa.
Look Jamie, I couldn't care less whether you were Muslim, or whatever, and I am
not a member or sympathizer with Al Qaeda. If I were in charge of the globar
war on terrorism, we'd win! And by the way, all of those innocuous communists from
the 1950s were, for the most part, commie spies, including the Rosenbergs, Gus
Hall, etc. Read The Haunted Woods and
get the real scoop. And Soviets were
killing Americans in Korea, Vietnam, and elsewhere.
RENO: I didn't say the
communists in the 50s were innocuous, I simply said that they weren't plotting
terrorist attacks against innocents, at least as far as I know. That's the
distinction. We humans are just a bunch of clueless protoplasms running around that,
for better and worse, have self-awareness and know that we are going to die.
This has caused us to create all kinds of comforting but fictional scenarios that appease our
intense fears of our own mortality. There is no empirical evidence
that heaven, hell, or an afterlife exist, but most humans believe in all
of the above. I suspect there is a creator of some kind, but that’s as far as I
can go. I agree that science does not answer all questions and that some
sort of creator perhaps exists, but for the most part religion and even the
notion of God are man-made concepts that are a way for us to simply feel as if
our lives have meaning. I believe in love and compassion
and goodness and the beauty in this world, and I love life and greatly appreciate
the fact that I exist. In other words, as long as I'm sitting in this row boat
in the middle of this vast lake, I'm gonna start rowing. It beats just
sitting there. The bottom line is, if there is one lesson the world SHOULD have
learned from 9/11, but obviously didn't, it is that religion is not the cure
for our ills, it is the cause of them. Muslims, Christians, Jews, you name it.
So many of the bad things in this world have been done in the name of God and religion
and this will never change because, sadly, people are so afraid. After 9/11, most everyone retreated to their God of choice instead of
realized that no one knows if God even exists and if so, what or
which God he/she/it is. Be kind to each other but don't judge, that is the only
religion worth subscribing to. That's the only thing that will save this planet.
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