President Obama and Russian President Putin |
I've certainly not agreed with
everything President Obama has done over the past five years in terms of his
foreign policy. But the relentless and callow criticism he's getting from his
political enemies for allegedly being weak in his handling of the crisis in
Russia and Ukraine is not only unfair and unfounded, it is utterly political and laughably
disingenuous. And it shows the selective memory of so many of his critics.
Obama, who kicks off a
two-day summit on nuclear security today at The Hague in the Netherlands,
where he'll reportedly meet later in the day with other leaders of the G7
nations, is doing exactly what any responsible, measured U.S. President would
do regarding Russian President Vladimir Putin's rogue actions. Nothing more,
nothing less.
The widespread and transparent political shots being
fired at the President from many of his Republican adversaries begs the obvious
question: Where were these folks in 2008, when Russian forces invaded
the former Soviet state of Georgia? Yes, invaded. At the time, President George
W. Bush responded with virtually the same words and actions as Obama is giving us now, and no
one on the right called Bush weak.
We were still shooting and bombing the crap out of Iraq and Afghanistan, and that didn't deter Russia from moving in to Georgia. Get my drift? As Russian tanks began rolling into Georgia in the summer of 2008, Bush
spokeswoman Dana Perino, now a Fox host and reliable Obama basher, said this:
"We call for an immediate ceasefire. We urge all parties, Georgians, south
Ossetians, Russians to deescalate the tensions and to avoid conflict. We are working on mediation efforts and to secure a ceasefire, and we are urging the parties to restart their dialogue."
I'm sure Dana's comments had them Russkies shaking in their boots, eh? Some real fightin' words from the Bush camp. Can you imagine if Obama presser Jay Carney said this very same thing now about the Ukraine crisis? The right would eat him alive.
And now, regrettably and inappropriately, former GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney is weighing in. Say it ain't so, Mitt. He accused Obama of being naive about Putin’s world views and
“lacking the judgment” and foresight to have stopped the Russian
president from taking over Ukraine’s Crimea region.
"There's no question but that the president's naiveté with regards to
Russia, and his faulty judgment about Russia's intentions and
objectives, has led to a number of foreign policy challenges that we
face," said the former Massachusetts governor and failed presidential candidate on CBS’ Face
the Nation.
Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin, the number two Democrat in the Senate, quickly and appropriately responded to Romney’s suggestion that Putin would have
been discouraged had the United States first shown military force
somewhere else in the world.
“I disagree, and so does history,” Durbin told CBS. “In the midst of
our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Putin invaded the Republic of Georgia.
… He is a bully, and we've got to call him for what he is.”
Durbin also said the idea that sanctions are going to stop a former colonel in the KGB is naive at best. “What the President has done is first, try to negotiate, try to stop
the intrigue and the referendum in Crimea. It didn't work,” said Durbin, who praised the diplomatic efforts of Secretary of State
John Kerry and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Obama's trip this week was
previously planned, but Russia, who was not invited, will now be the hot topic.
"We're united in imposing a cost on Russia for its actions so far,"
Obama said after meeting with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte.
Sounds reasonable and reassuring. But obviously not
to the knee-jerk anti-Obama crowd. There's obviously nothing Obama could say or
do that would change the mind of his detractors. Why? Because many of them
don't really care a lick about the people of Ukraine. They just see this as a
golden opportunity in a congressional election year to appeal to the base and
blast the White House.
Former Vice President and chicken hawk Dick Cheney, who never met a war he didn't like but who avoided the military draft in the 1960s five times with deferments, recently said there's "no question" that Putin thinks Obama is weak. Cheney, who should just keep his mouth shut when asked about U.S. involvement in a foreign country, also said on Face the Nation recently, “No military. He [Obama] seems to operate that way most of the time. There are military options that don’t involve putting troops on the ground in Crimea."
Well, no, not really. Pretty much none of that is accurate. But it makes for a great sound byte, doesn't it?
The equally war-loving John Bolton,
who was ambassador to the United Nations in W's administration and who gets
giddy whenever he mulls the possibility of a potential war between Israel and
Iran, said Obama's handling of the Putin situation proves that he is not
"interested in American national security affairs."
Former Secretary of Defense
Donald Rumsfeld, whose foreign policy credibility is less than zero, recently
said that Obama "left a vacuum that Putin is filling." Other Obama critics say that the President needs
to "man up," "get a backbone," and that he has "lost
moral authority" and "lost all credibility abroad."
It should be noted that none of these folks had a single word to say about the Bush administration six years ago when Russia went into Georgia. Cheney certainly didn't. Yes, he obligatorily condemned Russia's
invasion, but never connected it with any sort of weakness
on Bush's behalf.
Conservative writer and James Bond movie villain wanna-be Charles Krauthammer made this curiously wimpy statement back in 2008: "Well, obviously it's beyond our control.
The Russians are advancing (in Georgia). There is nothing that will stop them.
We are not going to go to war over Georgia."
And then there's Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), a man I admire greatly for his service to his country. But he's been rattling
his rusty saber all over the place in recent weeks. In 2008, while he was on
the Presidential campaign trail, McCain didn't have a single critical word for Bush
over the fact that Russia had just invaded a sovereign country.
Instead, he said
there should be an end to the “partisan sniping” over the issue and called on
the country to unite.
Of course, McCain and the rest of these political beings know that no Republican President would do anything substantively
different than Obama is doing right now -- especially any Republican President
who got millions in campaign money from big oil companies that have
multi-billion dollar business deals with Russia.
They also know that none of
the Republicans who are slamming Obama for being weak has any effective ideas
on how to deal with Putin, other than maybe reviving plans for a NATO missile
defense shield in Poland.
Uh, yeah, that'll work. All the NATO talk and Cold War-era silliness about nukes is just a red herring.
Putin knows it is very unlikely that any country will intervene militarily in
this regional fight.
Obama's haters say there's
a bigger-picture issue at stake here. They say that it's about "peace
through strength," and that Putin has the upper hand and is not afraid of Obama and that broadcasting
our intentions to reduce troop numbers will only embolden a guy like Putin. But Putin doesn't need us to embolden him. Whether we
broadcast our intentions or not, it makes no difference, Putin doesn't care.
Despite what happened in Syria with Obama's "red line" comment -
and thank goodness we DIDN'T send troops there, which McCain and others would have
done - Obama is actually much more of a hawk than he promised he would be. Putin knows this, and he's also obviously aware of the
100,000-troop surge in Afghanistan under Obama's watch, as well all the drone
killings. Neither phase him. He knows no country will militarily oppose his
actions in Ukraine, just as Russia knew six summers ago that no one would
oppose its actions in Georgia.
As for the notion that we
can't reduce our troop level now and in fact should raise it, that's dangerously false. We
will still have more than enough troops to invade another country if we choose.
Our military budget is the same as the next 10 countries in the world combined.
It's obscene, it is unnecessarily high. More of this money should be spent on
our veterans who've already fought in wars.
Is Putin dangerous? Probably. Is he an arrogant buffoon who likes to roam around shirtless and steal Super Bowl rings? Definitely. But this
is not our war. I am not sure how we stop this but clearly we have to join with
most of the other nations around the world and strangle Putin economically and
by other means. But we should not and can not get involved militarily.
Interestingly, the same
Republicans who are attacking Obama right now agree that there are no military
options. Even McCain admits there are no military options. But he and others continue to bark at the moon.
This is a major
international incident, and good Americans are standing by the President. As I
said, most of the Republicans in Congress who are moaning the loudest over Obama's
alleged weakness could not care less about the people of Ukraine. It's all just
more political theater.
A slice of truth: Obama has killed far more of our real enemies - radical
Muslim terrorists - than Bush ever did. He is fighting the right enemies, the
real threats to America, and he got us out of Iraq, where we should not have
been in the first place. And he is about to get us the hell out of
Afghanistan. It's taken far too long, but he's doing it.
Make no mistake: we will
always have a robust number of trained troops. Reducing our fighting force
won't embolden Putin or anyone. But it will help our economy and our country.
We will still be the strongest, most powerful military the world has ever known, by a long
This is all just political manure from some of the great chicken hawks of
our time. And it stinks.